Work under construction

I got stuck on this piece last night. One of many that I can't figure out the proper ending to...which reminded me of directors/authors who's works start off with great promise, yet fall apart at the end.


Day of the Dead

Two pieces currently showing at Design Box in Raleigh as part of their Day of the Dead group show. 

The girl with the flip is the first one to go

The girl with the flip is the first one to go

She was half dead by the time she graduated

She was half dead by the time she graduated

Spring Training

As the new baseball season starts it's re-birth in Spring training, so does my love of painting baseball players.​ I learned how to draw the human face and figure by copying baseball pictures out of magazines 20+ years ago.  And I'm glad I still find pleasure in the practice.


Prep work for a show

Next month I'll be part of group show at ArtSpace in Raleigh.  The show consists of the past Regional Emerging Artists form the past 3 years, so it promises to be an excellent show.

Cleaning up the edges of some smaller works on paper.

Cleaning up the edges of some smaller works on paper.

Pussy Riot

While I typically shy away from political themes, I, as did much of the world, got caught in the Pussy Riot case.  From that I painted the pieces below, taken from a Montreat yearbook from 1957.  I like the idea that women of every generation had some riot in them.

Alice Become a Hooligan

Everyone Has a Riot Inside of Them