Oil painting

Been a While...

I’m not sure where to restart this blog, but I am making a promise to myself to be more diligent in posting. If for no other reason than to get better at talking about my practice. And to also improve getting my art thoughts out onto paper (or on the keyboard)

Anyways, here is to new beginnings and fresh starts. New directions in art and improving on old ones. Bottom line is to just to make space and time to create, everything else is just noise.

Figure studies using sculpture as the basis for the body

Figure studies using sculpture as the basis for the body

The progression of a piece

This painting has been a thorn in my side for the past month. Unsure of where it wants to go, it has undergone various different stages.



Promising start. Watercolor blocked in by acrylic  


Still holding together, acrylic slowly enveloping the watercolor


The introduction of oil. No turning back now, unfortunately  


Oil has hooded our characters. Thought this was a good idea at the time


Current stage. Getting away from the hoods. Instead I opted for a blizzard of paint. 

I have two more sessions with this piece before I consider it DOA.