Acrylic art

The progression of a piece

This painting has been a thorn in my side for the past month. Unsure of where it wants to go, it has undergone various different stages.



Promising start. Watercolor blocked in by acrylic  


Still holding together, acrylic slowly enveloping the watercolor


The introduction of oil. No turning back now, unfortunately  


Oil has hooded our characters. Thought this was a good idea at the time


Current stage. Getting away from the hoods. Instead I opted for a blizzard of paint. 

I have two more sessions with this piece before I consider it DOA. 

Fresh Starts

This piece came out frustration of the original painting underneath. It was so ugly I quickly had to cover it up. One of the luxuries of experience is to not beat a dead horse or knowing when to move on. When I was a younger artist I’d try to revive many a painting, when the proper move was to start a new.  



I’m not sure where this one is going, but it feels good to apply confident strokes and letting the piece dictate where it wants to go.

New series- Star birth inspired

I started the first piece below with only colors and style in mind. As it progressed it started to remind me of the cosmos, so I pushed it in that direction.  

A Star is Born IAcrylic on canvas 60” x 40”  SAS instiute collection

A Star is Born I

Acrylic on canvas 60” x 40”  

SAS instiute collection


Clouds of hydrogen tower above the surface of a molecular cloud on the edge of the Carina nebula. (NASA)


A Star is Born II

Acrylic on canvas 60” x 40”  

SAS instiute collection


Hubble Space Telescope captured an iridescent tapestry of star birth in a neighboring galaxy. (NASA)