SAS art

Fresh Starts

This piece came out frustration of the original painting underneath. It was so ugly I quickly had to cover it up. One of the luxuries of experience is to not beat a dead horse or knowing when to move on. When I was a younger artist I’d try to revive many a painting, when the proper move was to start a new.  



I’m not sure where this one is going, but it feels good to apply confident strokes and letting the piece dictate where it wants to go.

New series- Star birth inspired

I started the first piece below with only colors and style in mind. As it progressed it started to remind me of the cosmos, so I pushed it in that direction.  

A Star is Born IAcrylic on canvas 60” x 40”  SAS instiute collection

A Star is Born I

Acrylic on canvas 60” x 40”  

SAS instiute collection


Clouds of hydrogen tower above the surface of a molecular cloud on the edge of the Carina nebula. (NASA)


A Star is Born II

Acrylic on canvas 60” x 40”  

SAS instiute collection


Hubble Space Telescope captured an iridescent tapestry of star birth in a neighboring galaxy. (NASA)